Monday, March 11, 2019

Napping Day - March 11 , 2019

DIANE'S CORNER ... Celebrate Napping Day
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Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o’clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap. 
Barbara Jordan
You got up early and got a great start to the day, you’ve been trucking along being a productive adult, getting your work completed and attending the meetings you have to attend. Throughout it all you’ve been a trooper, you even made it through lunch without much trouble. But now it’s creeping into the late afternoon, and you’re just out of go. What do you do? You take a nap! Napping Day encourages you to remember these benefits of youth and take a little time out of the day for you!
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History of Napping Day

Napping Day’s history is simply the history of napping, and it used to be something we all did in the middle of the afternoon. In fact, the siesta is still a time-honored tradition in Spain that happens right after the afternoon meal, and has been a practice since time out of mind. In fact, if you’re in the Mediterranean, it’s pretty much standard everywhere you go. In Italy they call it the riposopisolini, and even old Charlamagne (yes that Charlamagne) has been recorded as having taken 2-3 hour naps in the middle of the afternoon.
So is it just laziness? Well, no. You see in part it’s because the hottest hours of the day occur in the middle of the afternoon, and it makes sense to take a brief break at that point. It also has to do with the circadian rhythms and the change-over point between the wake cycle and sleep cycle, there’s a time that’s essentially perfect for a nap. There are even notable benefits to taking a nap in the afternoon, including evidence pointing to a 37% reduction in occurrences of coronary mortality in those who take an afternoon nap regularly.

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Word of the Day



A retired Boeing 727 upcycled into a hotel in Costa Rica

noun: The conversion of a discarded object into something of even higher value.

A blend of up + recycling. Earliest documented use: 1994.

Some examples of upcycling are turning old tires/tyres into a benchold shoes into flower pots, and so on.

Reduce, reuse, recycle is the mantra for the modern times where people are called “consumers”. Recycling is good. Upcycling is better. Bicycling is best. What about upcycling a bicycle?

“Clever bargain hunting and upcycling are evident: a G Plan dining table bought on eBay for £9 was laminated a fabulous ocher by car mechanics.”
A Weekend in... Deal, Kent; The Times (London, UK); Feb 16, 2019.

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Idiom of the Day

Ring in the New Year

To celebrate the beginning of the new year at midnight on 31st December.
Example Usage: We are planning a big party to ring in the new year. How did you ring in the new year?

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This Day in History

Image result for 1302 - The characters Romeo and Juliet were married this day according to William Shakespeare.
1302 - The characters Romeo and Juliet were married this day according to William Shakespeare. 

Image result for 1702 - The Daily Courant, the first regular English newspaper was published.
1702 - The Daily Courant, the first regular English newspaper was published. 

Image result for 1882 - The Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association was formed in Princeton, NJ.
1882 - The Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association was formed in Princeton, NJ

Image result for 1901 - U.S. Steel was formed when industrialist J.P. Morgan purchased Carnegie Steep Corp. The event made Andrew Carnegie the world's richest man.
1901 - U.S. Steel was formed when industrialist J.P. Morgan purchased Carnegie Steep Corp. The event made Andrew Carnegie the world's richest man. 

Image result for 1905 - The Parisian subway was officially inaugurated.
1905 - The Parisian subway was officially inaugurated. 
Image result for 1927 - Samuel Roxy Rothafel opened the famous Roxy Theatre in New York City.
1927 - Samuel Roxy Rothafel opened the famous Roxy Theatre in New York City. 

Image result for 1930 - Babe Ruth signed a two-year contract with the New York Yankees for the sum of $80,000.
1930 - Babe Ruth signed a two-year contract with the New York Yankees for the sum of $80,000. 

Image result for 1930 - U.S. President Howard Taft became the first U.S. president to be buried in the National Cemetery in Arlington, VA.
1930 - U.S. President Howard Taft became the first U.S. president to be buried in the National Cemetery in Arlington, VA

Image result for 1947 - The DuMont network aired "Movies For Small Fry." It was network television's first successful children's program.
1947 - The DuMont network aired "Movies For Small Fry." It was network television's first successful children's program. 

Image result for 1948 - Reginald Weir became the first black tennis player to participate in a U.S. Indoor Lawn Tennis Association tournament.
1948 - Reginald Weir became the first black tennis player to participate in a U.S. Indoor Lawn Tennis Association tournament. 

Image result for 1969 - Levi-Strauss started selling bell-bottom jeans.
1969 - Levi-Strauss started selling bell-bottomed jeans. 

Image result for 1986 - Popsicle announced its plan to end the traditional twin-stick frozen treat for a one-stick model.
1986 - Popsicle announced its plan to end the traditional twin-stick frozen treat for a one-stick model. 

Image result for 1993 - Janet Reno was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate to become the first female attorney general.
1993 - Janet Reno was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate to become the first female attorney general. 

Image result for 2002 - Two columns of light were pointed skyward from ground zero in New York as a temporary memorial to the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
2002 - Two columns of light were pointed skyward from ground zero in New York as a temporary memorial to the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

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If You Were Born Today, March 11
You were born wise, and your intuition is exceptional. However, your emotional ups and downs tend to be many until you learn to focus your energies. Getting a handle on this inner restlessness is crucial to success. You like to have many things going at once, and many of you have more than one profession or occupation. You might often find yourself acting on emotional whims. Balancing your mind and your emotional instincts is an important challenge for you in this lifetime. You are exceptionally caring and loving. Famous people born today: 
Inventor James Franklin Hyde
1903 James Franklin Hyde, American inventorwho created silica, born in Solvay, New York (d. 1999)

British Prime Minister Harold Wilson
1916 Harold WilsonBritish Prime Minister(Labour: 1964-70, 1974-76), born in Huddersfield, England (d. 1995)

Civil Rights Activist Ralph Abernathy
1926 Ralph Abernathy, American civil rights leader (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), born in Linden, Alabama (d. 1990)

Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch
1931 Rupert Murdoch, Australian-born American media mogul (NY Post, News of the World, FOX-TV), born in Melbourne, Victoria

Author Douglas Adams
1952 Douglas Adams, English author (Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy), born in Cambridge, England (d. 2001)

Actress Thora Birch
1982 Thora Birch, American actress (American Beauty, Ghost World), born in Los Angeles, California

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1970 -
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Album released on this day. Déjà Vu features guest appearances by Jerry Garcia, who contributes some of his patented pedal steel guitar action to “Teach Your Children,” and John Sebastian, whose harmonica can be heard on the title track. By Stephen Stills’ estimation (in Crosby, Stills & Nash: The Authorized Biography), the album took about 800 hours to record, all told, but given that it’s earned a 
spot on Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Albums list.

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1989 -

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On this day, the hit reality-based television show COPS premiered on the Fox television network with it’s distinctive theme song, Inner Circle’s “Bad Boys,” for the very first time. Created by the producing team of John Langley and Malcolm Barbour, COPS is one of the longest- 
running television programs in the United States. The show places cameras and production crews in the car with real patrol officers around the country. 


Proulx Farm Sugarbush Maple Festival 2019

Feb 24 - Ap 22, 2019 | Cumberland, ON, CA

Proulx Farm|1865 O’Toole Rd
maple sugar on a stick
Besides ice hockey and politeness, maple syrup is a Canadian treasure that can be found in many popular dishes. At the Proulx Farm in Ottawa, you'll get a taste of this sweets, multi -
purpose sap product. While you enjoy your favorite brunch items with the farm's maple syrup, you can learn all about its production process and go on a nice little lay ride.

further information: Maple Fest | Ferme Proulx Farm


Portland Dining Month 2019

Mar 11 - 31, 2019 | Portland, OR 

Image result for Portland Dining Month 2019 Feb 2019 Dates Unconfirmed | Portland, OR
Each March, the city’s top restaurants offer three-course meals for a great price, making it the best time to experience one of the nation’s most talked-about culinary destinations — affordably.

Rigoletto is an opera in three acts by Giuseppe Verdi. The Italian libretto was written by Francesco Maria Piave, based on the play Le roi s'amuse by Victor Hugo. Despite serious initial problems with the Austrian censors who had control over northern Italian theatres at the time, the opera had a triumphant premiere at La Fenice in Venice on 11 March 1851. The story is a tragedy which revolves around the licentious Duke of Mantua, his hunch-backed court jester Rigoletto, and Rigoletto's beautiful daughter Gilda. This picture is Roberto Focosi's illustration to the variant first edition of Rigoletto's vocal score. It depicts the opera's Bella figlia dell'amore scene.

Rare Pink Dolphin Spotted in Lake Calcasieu, LouisianaRare Pink Dolphin Spotted in Lake Calcasieu, Louisiana

The albino bottlenose dolphin was spotted in the brackish lake that connects to the Gulf of Mexico

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thanks, Sarah

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thanks, Vicky

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Cascade Yarns B222 Backstage Cowl (Free) -  ()


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Crochet Pattern of the Day: Valerie, Canadian Correspondent

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thanks, Helen

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thanks, Alexa



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Character Sweaters

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thanks. Lily

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thanks, Cora
Stephanie’s Slow-Cooker Stew

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thanks, Shelley
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thanks, Helen
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SUDOKU ... hard


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Whatever there be of progress in life comes not through adaptation but through daring. - Henry Miller

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1. Adult cats don't meow to each other - just to humans. 2. Some kangaroo species are almost always left-handed. 3. The first roller coasters were based on Russian ice slides.

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Sign: More

According to Nancy Cadjan, President of, a line of books, seminars, DVDs, games and flash cards that advocate baby sign language, babies are developmentally ready for their parents to start signing to them after 4 months old, but won't be able to sign back until 7-9 months, when they have better coordination.

What to help give your little one a head start? Download these free baby sign language flash cards.(must register)


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