Celebrate Hemophilia Awareness Month

Sadly, there are many life-threatening medical conditions that many of us know little to nothing about, unless we happen to have a family member who suffers from such a condition.
Thankfully, nowadays most people realize how very important it is to get the word out about various diseases in order to raise awareness about the difficulties some of those around us have to deal with every day.
Hemophilia Awareness Month was created to do just that: shed some light on a condition that is still unknown to many, and find ways to help hemophiliacs who may feel all alone with their problems, or simply lack the financial means necessary to keep their illness under control.
In short, hemophilia is a disease that prevents the blood from clotting after an injury, meaning that a sufferer simply bleeds on and on, something that can easily cause serious health consequences, or even death.
If you don’t know much about this serious medical condition, this is the perfect time to change that and help make the world just a little bit better!

The picture shows a very famous hair salon in the 60s with a line of women getting their hair spa done.
Word of the Day Wordsmith
1. Meticulous or painstaking.
2. Following one’s conscience; scrupulous.
From Latin con- (intensive prefix) + from scire (to know). Ultimately from the Indo-European root skei- (to cut or split), which also gave us schism, ski, shin, science, conscience, nice,scienter, nescient, exscind, and sciolism, adscititious. Earliest documented use: 1603.
“Conscientious individuals avoid trouble and achieve success through planning and persistence.”
Ross Gittins; Give Your Personality a Check-Up; Sydney Morning Herald (Australia); Jan 9, 2019.
“[Bush Sr. & Muhammad Ali] certainly made for an odd pair of bedfellows, the patrician blue blood who enlisted in the US Navy on his 18th birthday and the most conscientious of all the objectors to the Vietnam War.”
Dave Hannigan; Ali’s Hostage Negotiating Led to Unlikely Bush Friendship; Irish Times (Dublin, Ireland); Dec 6, 2018.

1. Meticulous or painstaking.
2. Following one’s conscience; scrupulous.
Ross Gittins; Give Your Personality a Check-Up; Sydney Morning Herald (Australia); Jan 9, 2019.
“[Bush Sr. & Muhammad Ali] certainly made for an odd pair of bedfellows, the patrician blue blood who enlisted in the US Navy on his 18th birthday and the most conscientious of all the objectors to the Vietnam War.”
Dave Hannigan; Ali’s Hostage Negotiating Led to Unlikely Bush Friendship; Irish Times (Dublin, Ireland); Dec 6, 2018.

1981 - Pro Wrestler Rocky Johnson and his son Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, the wrestling sensations of their times, the father-son duo have literally rocked the frame.
Idiom of the Day
IN A FOG also, in a haze
- in a great confusion
- not giving attention to something
- being in a state of perplexity or confusion
- unable to think or understand clearly about what is happening around you
- not alert
Example Sentences
- Jane always seems to be in a fog.
- I always feel like I’m in a fog when I take that medication. It’s like it’s hard for me to think.
- After the accident, he went about in a fog, even though he had not been injured.
- History is a subject which I hate to study. So whenever I sit in history class, I am in a fog.
- I didn’t vote for Alice because she always seems to be in a fog.
- I was so upset for two days that I went around in a haze, not even answering when people spoke to me. (Here in this example, “haze” is used instead of “fog” which explicitly means to be in a confused state).
- Millie always seems to be in a haze; she never knows what’s going on.
Although the origin of this idiom is not available. Contextually, in a fog is used in situations where we are not attentive of what is happening and seem to be like in the actual fog whose literal meaning is smoky like surroundings. Although these expressions “in a fog” and “in a haze” allude to obscuring one’s view. The term ‘fog’ usage dates from about 1600s, ‘haze’ from mid-1800s.
Source: theidioms.com
The Washington Monument did not always look the way it does now. There was a time when its construction was put to a halt due to the insufficient funds. However, later in 1884, marbles from different sources were used to finish the monument.

This Day in History

1457 - Gutenberg Bible became the first printed book

1733 - Joseph Priestly invented carbonated water (seltzer).
1841 - Englishman Orlando Jones patented cornstarch.
1872 - Illinois became the first state to require sexual equality in employment.
1888 - The English Football League was established.

1894 - The first playoff competition for the Stanley Cup began. Montreal played Ottawa.

1903 - Niagara Falls ran out of water due to a drought.

1904 - The first color photograph was published in the London Daily Illustrated Mirror

1911 - Herman Jadlowker became the first opera singer to perform two major roles in the same day at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.

1934 - The first Masters golf championship began in Augusta, GA.
1954 - The first shopping mall opened in Southfield, Michigan.
1956 - Perry Como became the first major TV variety-show host to book a rock and roll act on his program. The act was Carl Perkins.
1977 - Comedienne Lily Tomlin made her debut on Broadway in "Lily Tomlin on Stage" in New York.

1997 - Tara Lipinski, at 14 years and 10 months, became the youngest women's world figure skating champion.


If You Were Born Today, March 22
You radiate a wonderfully positive energy that others are often inspired by you. Your passions are great, but sometimes short-lived, as you can be quite moody and changeable emotionally. Still, you are exceptionally hard-working when enthused. You generally have many activities and projects going at once. You have an unusual and unique personality, and many of you feel the calling of something higher, craving a feeling of purposefulness. Famous people born today:
1868 Robert A. Millikan, American physicist(photoelectric effect; Nobel 1923), born in Morrison, Illinois (d. 1953)
1931 William Shatner, Canadian author, director and actor (Star Trek, T J Hooker), born in Montreal, Quebec
1947 James Patterson, American author (Alex Cross, Witch and Wizard), born in Newburgh, New York
1948 Andrew Lloyd Webber, English composer(Phantom of the Opera, Cats), born in London, England
1976 Reese Witherspoon, American actress(Pleasantville, Legally Blonde, Sweet Home Alabama), born in New Orleans, Louisiana

1982 Constance Wu, Taiwanese-American actress(Fresh Off the Boat), born in Richmond, Virginia

1941 -
Actor James Stewart was inducted into the Army. Exactly three years later, on March 22, 1944, Stewart flew his 12th combat mission, leading an attack on Berlin during World War II. Stewart managed to have both a successful acting career and a successful military career.
Stewart starred in several noteworthy films before the U.S. entered World War II, including You Can't Take It With You, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and The Philadelphia Story. He received an Academy Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his role as Macaulay "Mike" Connor in The Philadelphia Story.
Stewart had learned how to fly prior to the United States' entrance into World War II, earning his commercial pilot license in 1938. He was drafted into the Army in 1941 but failed to meet the weight requirements due to being considered underweight. He then trained in order to meet the weight requirement and enlisted in the Army Air Corp. Stewart's previous flying experience proved valuable during his military career. He became a service pilot in the Army. He also used his previous acting experience for Army recruitment, including radio appearances and in the short recruitment film Winning Your Wings. Although he continued to advance in rank and helped train pilots, Stewart requested an assignment to fly in combat. He was eventually assigned to combat duty and became a commander, flying his first combat mission during December of 1943.
During his career, Stewart flew several missions and was awarded two Distinguished Flying Crosses for his service. Stewart continued his military service even after the war ended by serving in the USAF Reserve. He also continued acting after the war appearing in the well-known Christmas classic It's a Wonderful Life and other Hollywood films. On July 23, 1959, Stewart was promoted to brigadier general. In addition to his service during World War II, he also flew as a non-duty observer on a Vietnam War mission. He retired from the Air Force on May 31, 1968. He was later awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Reagan. Stewart passed away on July 2, 1997.
1457 - Gutenberg Bible became the first printed book
1733 - Joseph Priestly invented carbonated water (seltzer).
1894 - The first playoff competition for the Stanley Cup began. Montreal played Ottawa.
1903 - Niagara Falls ran out of water due to a drought.
1904 - The first color photograph was published in the London Daily Illustrated Mirror
1911 - Herman Jadlowker became the first opera singer to perform two major roles in the same day at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.
1934 - The first Masters golf championship began in Augusta, GA.
1997 - Tara Lipinski, at 14 years and 10 months, became the youngest women's world figure skating champion.


1982 Constance Wu, Taiwanese-American actress(Fresh Off the Boat), born in Richmond, Virginia

Stewart starred in several noteworthy films before the U.S. entered World War II, including You Can't Take It With You, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and The Philadelphia Story. He received an Academy Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his role as Macaulay "Mike" Connor in The Philadelphia Story.
Stewart had learned how to fly prior to the United States' entrance into World War II, earning his commercial pilot license in 1938. He was drafted into the Army in 1941 but failed to meet the weight requirements due to being considered underweight. He then trained in order to meet the weight requirement and enlisted in the Army Air Corp. Stewart's previous flying experience proved valuable during his military career. He became a service pilot in the Army. He also used his previous acting experience for Army recruitment, including radio appearances and in the short recruitment film Winning Your Wings. Although he continued to advance in rank and helped train pilots, Stewart requested an assignment to fly in combat. He was eventually assigned to combat duty and became a commander, flying his first combat mission during December of 1943.
Māoriland Film Festival 2019
Mar 20 - 24, 2019 | Ōtaki, New Zealand
Maoriland Hub|68 Main St

How often do you consider who's making the magic behind the camera? The Māoriland Film Festival treats you to exceptional movies made by Indigenous people that dissect their culture, spiritual beliefs and other practices associated with their identity. Indigenous people from all over the world will be sharing their multi-genre films, so expect a wide range of emotions once the credits start rolling.
further information: https://www.iticket.co.nz/events/2019/mar/maoriland-special-events
DC National Cherry Blossom Festival 2019
Mar 20 - Apr 14, 2019 | Washington, DC
Over 70,000 people flock to Washington, D.C., every year to view the cherry blossoms that bloom throughout the city in the springtime. The National Cherry Blossom Festival celebrates this yearly occurrence in commemoration of the gift of Japanese cherry trees to Washington, D.C., by Tokyo City Mayor Yukio Ozaki in 1912. Presented as a symbol of the growing relationship between the two countries, this gift eventually resulted in 3,750 trees being planted around D.C. In addition to the beautiful pink blossoms, the festival features attractions such as colorful balloons, beautifully decorated floats, a parade and marching bands from different states around the country. The opening ceremony takes place in the National Building Museum and is immediately followed by an abundance of cultural events for guests to enjoy including a sushi and sake celebration, various art exhibits, fashion shows and live performances.
further information: https://culturecapital.com/feature/100/national-cherry-blossom-festival-march-20-april-13-2019/
Due to the Depression era lack of money and happiness, people opted for unconventional ways to rejuvenate themselves and dance marathon on the streets was one of those. Not only it made them happy but also was a source of earning.

Plum Brandy, also known as The Plum (French: La Prune), is an oil-on-canvas painting by the French modernist artist Édouard Manet. It is undated but thought to have been painted about 1877. It depicts a woman seated alone at a table in a cafe, in a lethargic pose similar to that of the woman in Degas' L'Absinthe. The woman may be a prostitute, but unlike the subject of Degas' work she appears more dreamy than depressed. She holds an unlit cigarette and her plum brandy appears untouched. Plum Brandy is now in the permanent collection of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC.
Mrs. Sancheski
“This day I opened my second exhibition, there was a lot of atmosphere and good friends. Mrs. Sancheski is the mother of three children, unique, urban and stylish.“ Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain

The picture shows curious random men who are being served coca cola for the first time in 1950.
thanks, Emma
thanks, Rae



Captured on June 6, 1944; this photo shows the aftermath of the D-Day of World War II. It shows a crashed U.S. Fighter plane on the Juno Beach.
Knit Pattern of the Day: Valerie, Canadian Correspondent
baby sleeping bag

Fondly known as the tree of pests, Dexter Elm pest control was tried by a lot of men. This picture shows one of the attempts made in 1894.
thanks, Lisa

thanks, Sharon


While campaigning for democrat Harry Truman in 1948, Ronald Reagan would never have thought that he would go on to become a president later. This is a picture from the campaign with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.
thanks, Carol

Capturing the first man to land on the moon, Neil Armstrong, this picture is special in itself. Right beside him is the first test Flight X-15 Rocket of the NACA.
thanks, Amy

Although this picture shows the Stooges out of character, when America was going through its darkest time during The Great Depression of 1929, these three Legends came up with their act and made people smile.
thanks, Shelley

On 27th Nov 1963 President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, in 1964. Martin Luther King Jr. also attended this moment.

When technology was in its embryo stage and the telephone lines were first being laid down, people considered it inauspicious and believed that they would act as a messenger of the evil.
thanks, Zoey

In the times, sound Rocky Horror show was a league apart and was a musical horror comedy. Although, the show was not duly appreciated in the beginning but gradually it developed its own fan base and is now referred to as one of the cult classics of its time.
thanks, Betty

1975 - this is a picture clicked when Minnie Mouse decided to ditch Mickey and instead chose Andre The Giant, WWF World Heavyweight Champion, to click a picture with.
Dahlia Rebecca's World Jigsaw Puzzle

On August 8th, 1936, when Zeppelin Hindenburg flew over the Empire State Building in Manhattan, it exploded and as a result, a breathtaking view of the firework was created in the sky.
action agent await bacon beach blast break candle catch | chrome cold cope crazy daily drown dutiful | fierce flag force generation humid lettuce mercy opening | plane plank point rhyme road shell smooth soar | standard stark story sugar toast touch trip twist |

This picture requires no description. The largest and the most beautiful ship of its time which embarked on a very un-fateful voyage, the Titanic, was full of beautiful architecture. This cabin picture is proof.
SUDOKU ... hard

Paul Almasy fondly remembered as the master of photojournalism clicked this picture of youngsters dancing on the Quays of Paris enjoying their youth, oblivious to the world, in the middle of the day.

In rare times picture like this was clicked, when the two succeeding presidents came together and actually seemed to enjoy each other’s company.

There was a time when stamps were used not only for posts but also as a gift coupon at grocery stores, back in the 1930s.
Get your photos off your phone and Into lush matte paper - for freeee. Your best shots are display ready with a crisp white border, or printed edge-to edge. Our paper is thick enough to prop or pin anywhere.
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Sir Elton John gained attention not only due to his music but also due to his unconventional wardrobe choices. This picture is an example.
thanks, Mia

Hemophilia Clinic. The Hemophilia
ReplyDeleteTreatment Center (HTC) is committed to providing the best care for individuals with
bleeding disorders