DIANE'S CORNER ... Celebrate Popcorn Day

Oh Popcorn! Delicious and delightful popcorn is part of so many traditions. Popcorn balls at Halloween, Popcorn strings at Christmas, and Popcorn all year round at the movies! Corn has played an important role in the diets of many cultures, and has spread to be a worldwide phenomenon since it was imported from the new world. So on Popcorn Day make sure you have yourself a great big bowl of this delicious treat!
History of Popcorn Day
To discuss the history of Popcorn Day one must understand the history of Popcorn. The original corn was derived from a small grass with kernels not much different than that of wheat, careful selection and generations of breeding has resulted in what we think of today as the corn plant. When settlers came to the New World from the Old Country, they discovered this amazing crop and that it had been in use for time out of mind. Sometime along the line it was realized that certain corn kernels, when subjected to heat, will pop and reveal their soft fluffy endosperm in a cloud around their shell. Before long it was discovered to be a light and delicious treat, and cultivation led to the popcorn we have today. There’s actually two types of popcorn, but the familiar yellow popcorn we all see in movie theaters is by far the most popular. Popcorn has been used for everything from arts and crafts to the foundation of some of the most popular treats around. You can find it just about anywhere you go. The National Popcorn Board decided that this fluffy treat needed a day of celebration and recognition of its own, and thus was born National Popcorn Day!

The embroidered portraits of Cayce Zavaglia are comprised of intricate layers of colored threads. Her meticulous attention to detail is breathtaking in the portraits she weaves of family, friends and fellow artists. She takes the medium of embroidery to a place it rarely inhabits, creating fabric paintings that glow with life and personality. Her “versos” — the reverse side of her embroidered works — are a work of art themselves.
Word of the Day
adjective: Having the power to attract; appealing.
“And yet Fiben’s heart beat faster as he watched her allicient movements.”
David Brin; The Uplift War; Phantasia; 1987.
David Brin; The Uplift War; Phantasia; 1987.

Idiom of the Day
It's Raining Cats and Dogs
It's 'raining cats and dogs' means it is raining very heavily.
Example: You should take an umbrella with you, it is raining cats and dogs out there!
The weather was horrible yesterday. It was raining cats and dogs all day.
Did you know...? This phrase originated in 17th century England. Very heavy rain would occasionally wash dead animals through the street. The animals didn't fall from the sky of course, but the sight of dead cats and dogs being washed down the street with the rain caused people to joke that it must have been raining cats and dogs.
Greg Sr
This Day in History

1825 - Ezra Daggett and Thomas Kensett of New York City patented a canning process to preserve salmon, oysters and lobsters.

1907 - The first film reviews appeared in "Variety" magazine

1915 - George Claude, of Paris, France, patented the neon discharge tube for use in advertising signs.

1937 - Howard Hughes set a transcontinental air record. He flew from Los Angeles to New York City in 7 hours, 28 minutes and 25 seconds.

1949 - The salary of the President of the United States was increased from $75,000 to $100,000 with an additional $50,000 expense allowance for each year in office.

1953 - Sixty-eight percent of all TV sets in the U.S. were tuned to CBS-TV, as Lucy Ricardo, of "I Love Lucy," gave birth to a baby boy.

1955 - U.S. President Eisenhower allowed a filmed news conference to be used on television (and in movie newsreels) for the first time.

1957 - Philadelphia comedian, Ernie Kovacs, did a half-hour TV show without saying a single word of dialogue.
1957 - Pat Boone sang at Dwight Eisenhower's presidential inauguration ball.
1993 - Fleetwood Mac reunited to perform at Bill Clinton's inauguration.

2006 - NASA's New Horizons spacecraft was launched. The mission was the first to investigate Pluto.

2013 - In Scottsdale, AZ, the original Batmobile for the TV series "Batman" sold at auction for $4.6 million. It was the first of six Batmobiles produced for the show.


If You Were Born Today, January 19
You have a fabulous sense of humor, your own unique sense of style, and powerful emotions. Success-oriented, when you are able to focus on specific goals it would be hard to steer you from the path towards them. You are personally powerful and have a strong presence or aura, and others tend to follow your lead. You can be very stubborn at times! You are also very hard working, caring, and kind to those you love. Although you don't easily let down your guard, once you do trust you are very protective. Famous people born today:
1736 James Watt, Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer and chemist (steam engine), born in Greenock, Scotland (d. 1819)
1809 Edgar Allan Poe, American writer, poet and critic (The Pit and the Pendulum) considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre (Murders in the Rue Morgue), born in Boston, Massachusetts (d. 1849)
1839 Paul Cézanne, French artist and Post-Impressionist painter (The Basket of Apples), born in Aix-en-Provence, France (d. 1906)
1939 Phil Everly, American singer and half of the rock and roll duo "The Everly Brothers" (Bye Bye Love, Wake Up Little Susie), born in Chicago, Illinois (d. 2014)
1943 Janis Joplin, American rocker and blues singer-songwriter (Down on Me), born in Port Arthur, Texas (d. 1970)
1946 Dolly Parton, American country singer (Dolly, 9 to 5), born in Sevierville, Tennessee

1825 - Ezra Daggett and Thomas Kensett of New York City patented a canning process to preserve salmon, oysters and lobsters.
1907 - The first film reviews appeared in "Variety" magazine
1915 - George Claude, of Paris, France, patented the neon discharge tube for use in advertising signs.
1937 - Howard Hughes set a transcontinental air record. He flew from Los Angeles to New York City in 7 hours, 28 minutes and 25 seconds.
1949 - The salary of the President of the United States was increased from $75,000 to $100,000 with an additional $50,000 expense allowance for each year in office.
1953 - Sixty-eight percent of all TV sets in the U.S. were tuned to CBS-TV, as Lucy Ricardo, of "I Love Lucy," gave birth to a baby boy.
1955 - U.S. President Eisenhower allowed a filmed news conference to be used on television (and in movie newsreels) for the first time.
1957 - Philadelphia comedian, Ernie Kovacs, did a half-hour TV show without saying a single word of dialogue.
2006 - NASA's New Horizons spacecraft was launched. The mission was the first to investigate Pluto.
2013 - In Scottsdale, AZ, the original Batmobile for the TV series "Batman" sold at auction for $4.6 million. It was the first of six Batmobiles produced for the show.


Soulard Mardi Gras 2019
Jan 6 - Mar 5, 2019 | Saint Louis, MO
New Orleans isn't in the cards for you, but luckily St. Louis' oldest neighborhood is stepping up to the challenge to deliver a quality Mardi Gras experience. Deep into the winter, you and the family will have gobs of fun participating in an eclectic mix of activities. If Weiner dog racing, sipping on fine wine and beer, a snowman softball tournament and a Cajun cook-off don't tickle your fancy, then what the hell are you doing stepping out of the house?
further information: http://stlmardigras.org/
2. - this is only about an hour from where we live!!!
2. - this is only about an hour from where we live!!!
MLK Ski Weekend 2019
Jan 18-21, 2019 | The Blue Mountains, ON
Blue Mountains Ski Resort|108 Jozo Weider Blvd
Martin Luther King Jr championed people of all colors exercising their freedom without conflict. What could be a more liberating experience than shredding the slopes at the Blue Mountain Ski Resort in Canada? Children, teenagers and young adults will spend a fun weekend skiing the resort's fresh, white powder while meeting many new friends at the slopes. Bunny slope skiers and top-notch athletes alike will find something to enjoy during their stay.
Hunter Ice Festival 2019
Jan 18-20, 2019 | Niles, MI
Frigid temperatures and skull-cracking black ice shouldn't keep you locked up indoors until the spring season starts blooming. In downtown Niles, Michigan, residents take full advantage of winter's greatest gifts during the Hunter Ice Festival. It's easy to do when there's a slippery 5k run, an ice-carving competition, the World Ice Art Competition and more at your disposal.
Sophie, 2015

When a liquid drop impacts the surface of a liquid reservoir it can float, bounce, coalesce with the reservoir, or splash. A floating drop remains on the surface for several seconds. Drop bouncing can occur on perturbed liquid surfaces. If the drop is able to rupture the thin film of gas which separates it from the liquid reservoir, it can coalesce. Additionally, higher Weber number drop impacts produce splashing. In the splashing regime, the impacting drop creates a crater in the fluid surface, followed by a crown around the crater. Finally, a central jet, called the "Rayleigh jet" or "Worthington jet", protrudes from the center of the crater. If the impact energy is high enough, the jet rises to the point where it pinches off, sending one or more droplets upward out of the surface.
His Species Died with Him

The mounted remains of Lonesome George, who died in 2012, at about 100 years old.

thanks, Adele

thanks, Stella



thanks, Helen

thanks, Valerie, Canadian Correspondent

Uncle Angelo, 2015
thanks, Shelley
Stir-Fried Spicy Asparagus

thanks, Riley

thanks, Carol

Aunt Lin


CHILDREN'S CORNER ... painting
thanks, Renee
began brake cargo crook education enter explore | filler focus hale harsh hotel infant | length limit manage pretty radio rage range | renew rotate scale scratch search shatter state swear | telephone tender tight toil total totes trial unitary update useful |

Work in Progress
SUDOKU ... easy
thanks, Patty

Butter Up

After slicing hard cheese, the cheese may start to dry out and crumble. To prevent this, rub butter across the cut parts to help the cheese retain moisture. Wrap in plastic wrap or place in airtight container, and store in the refrigerator.

Greg and I, 2012
4 Ways Adults Can Better Care for Elderly Parents
Elderly parents can bring great joy into your life. They have unique perspectives and opinions. They know things, too. They may teach you skills that have nearly disappeared, such as canning vegetables or making your own laundry soap. On Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, they might tell you what they were doing and thinking when they heard about the attack that propelled the U.S. into World War II.
Yet, taking care of these precious family members can be challenging and heartbreaking, too. Here are a few tips to help you do it better.
1. Take Care of Your Own Needs
There’s a reason taking care of yourself is the first tip on this list. If you don’t take care of your own needs, eventually you won’t be able to help anyone else. Your elderly parent needs you to be healthy, strong, and mentally well. So, eat right, sleep enough, get some exercise, and spend time with friends. If you begin to feel anxiety or depression, related to your care taking role or not, see a therapist for help.
2. Give Them the Right Amount of Help
Your elderly parent may need a lot of help just to handle everyday tasks like getting to doctor appointments, doing housework, or even grooming. If you’re a take-charge kind of person, you may be tempted to just do everything. You reason that they should appreciate the help and you can do it faster and better, anyway.
But, it’s important to let your parent do what they are capable of doing. If you take over everything when you don’t need to, you rob them of opportunities to feel good about themselves and do things their own way. They may even come to resent you, feeling that you have no respect for their true abilities and personal choices.
3. Use Community Resources
Community resources like Meals on Wheels, OATS (Older Adult Transportation System), or your local adult daycare can help your loved one manage things without you in some situations. Many communities also have senior centers, where older adults can gather, enjoy entertainment and socializing, and eat a nice meal.
4. Appreciate and Accept Them as They Are
We tend to expect a lot of our parents, even when they are aging and in poorer health than we are. It’s a habit most people develop when they’re young and continue through the years, even as things change. Well, guess what. Your parent isn’t quite the same as they were when you were three years old and they were in their 20s or 30s. Yet, in other ways, the person you knew, loved, and rebelled against is still in there.
It’s important not to expect your parent to do something just because they did it in the past. And, if they’ve developed new skills or qualities, you need to see those changes as well. At the same time, don’t lose sight of the enduring qualities that are unique to them. They are who they are right now. So, appreciate the good and accept them as they are, despite the changes they have no power to avoid.
Taking care of elderly parents is never easy. But if you take the right approach and get the right help, you can give them the kind of care that keeps them at their best and improves their quality of life.
Here is the author's bio: Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

Cayce Zavaglia
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