Celebrate Stress Awareness Day

Stress can be a real killer, both in the workplace and in our day to day lives. Stress serves a solid purpose in human biology, but our modern lives have brought about a surplus of causes that haunt us from day to day. When we are faced with a challenge, or a threat to our well-being, the body experiences stress. Whether you’re dealing with a job that puts you under tremendous pressure, or face struggles in your life or relationship that leave you in a state of constant worry, stress can be a real killer. Stress Awareness Day was set aside as time to be aware of the stress in our lives and how it affects us.
History of Stress Awareness Day
Stress Awareness Day was established by the International Stress Management Association (ISMA) to help provide information on stress, and strategies on how to address it for both companies and individuals. The organization is focused on helping employers and employees help each other by providing comprehensive guides to establishing a program within their organization, and individuals by looking after their health and well-being on a day to day basis.
Stress Awareness Day is your opportunity to start looking after yourself and your life, and break down the individual stressors in your life. Failure to deal with stress in your life effectively can lead to serious health problems, including increased blood pressure, susceptibility to heart disease, and a decline in your immune system. Once you start experiencing these symptoms they can landslide into each other, resulting in growing sickness, and by extension, more stress. It’s truly a self-feeding problem, and a cycle that is necessary to control to enjoy our lives.
Jules Pascin (1885 - 1930) had no shortage of pedigree—even if it was false. Known as "the Prince of Montparnasse," the Bulgarian-born painter was actually the son of grain merchants. Yet his personality was so magnetic that Ernest Hemingway penned a chapter in A Moveable Feast about the artist, "With Pascin At the Dôme." Like Hemingway, Pascin suffered from severe alcoholism and depression and committed suicide at the age of 45. These problems and his vast social life did not distract from his massive output as a painter and portraitist. Though his work is most closely associated with French modernism, he earned a reputation in the American South as well, spending most of World War I teaching at the Telfair Academy with a close association to the excellent Telfair Art Museum in Savannah, Georgia.
Word of the Day
| |||
Definition: | (verb) Separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument. | ||
Synonyms: | rive, split | ||
Usage: | The axe had cleaved open the back of his skull. |

Idiom of the Day
shank's nag— One's legs and feet, used for walking; travel by foot. Also "shanks' nag." A reference to the shank- the lower leg between the knee and the ankle-and the use of ponies or horses for travel. |

This Day in History
Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapses (1940)
Four months after it opened to traffic, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed into Puget Sound in Washington state. During construction, workers had noticed that the deck demonstrated an unusual amount of vertical movement in windy conditions, but few expected "Galloping Gertie" to suffer such a catastrophic failure. The collapse led to major changes in suspension bridge design. Thankfully, no people were killed when the bridge came down.
Konrad Lorenz (1903)
As a boy, Lorenz nursed sick animals from the local zoo. He became a zoologist and studied the behavior of birds, emphasizing innate as opposed to learned behaviors and focusing on imprinting, a rapid learning process in young animals that establishes behavior patterns. Lorenz later examined human thought and aggression, making controversial analogies between human and animal behavior in his 1963 book On Aggression. For his scientific efforts, he shared the 1973 Nobel Prize. |
Lakshmi Puja
The annual festival in honor of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi is held in the autumn, when Hindus of all castes ask for her blessings. Lights shine from every house, and no one sleeps during the celebrations. Lakshmi is traditionally associated with wealth, prosperity, and good luck. In later Hindu literature, she appears as the dutiful wife of the god Vishnu and is typically portrayed massaging his feet while he rests on the cosmic serpent, Shesa. She remains a popular Hindu goddess to this day in India, where she is a special patron of shopkeepers.
Why Don't We Put A Space Telescope On The Moon?
If you want to take the most pristine, unpolluted images of the Universe, your best bet is to leave the Earth behind. Here on our planet, there are all sorts of effects which interfere with our imaging capabilities. Light pollution limits how deep we can see; the ... |

1665 - "The London Gazette" was first published.
1874 - The Republican party of the U.S. was first symbolized as an elephant in a cartoon by Thomas Nast in Harper's Weekly.
1893 - The state of Colorado granted its women the right to vote.
1895 - The last spike was driven into Canada's first transcontinental railway in the mountains of British Columbia.
1914 - The "New Republic" magazine was printed for the first time.
1916 - Jeanette Rankin of Montana became the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress.
1929 - The Museum of Modern Art in New York City opened to the public.
1963 - The comedy "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" premiered in Hollywood.
1963 - Elston Howard, of the New York Yankees, became the first black player to be named the American League's Most Valuable Player.
1965 - The "Pillsbury Dough Boy" debuted in television commercials.
1967 - Carl Stokes was elected the first black mayor Cleveland, OH, becoming the first black mayor of a major city.
1973 - New Jersey became the first U.S. state to permit girls to play on Little League baseball teams.
1989 - L. Douglas Wilder won the governor's race in Virginia, becoming the first elected African-American state governor in U.S. history.
1989 - David Dinkins was elected and become New York City's first African-American mayor.
1999 - Tiger Woods became the first golfer since Ben Hogan in 1953 to win four straight tournaments.
2000 - Hillary Rodham Clinton made history as the first president's wife to win public office. The state of New York elected her to the U.S. Senate. (New York)


If You Were Born Today, November 7
You have a mysterious aura about you, although others sense that you are determined, opinionated, and strong nevertheless, which you are. You have a strong interest in politics or religion, but you don't necessarily adhere to tradition. Your views are progressive and you think outside of the box. A conformist, you definitely are not! There is a dreamy side to you. You are a visionary who is especially sensitive to injustices. On a personal level, you often feel misunderstood. However, on some level, you enjoy being somewhat elusive or puzzling. Famous people born today:

1914 -
Vardaman Sweet Potato Festival 2018
Nov 3-10, 2018 | Vardaman, MS
You’ve probably exceeded your quota for carbs today, but who cares, you want more potatoes anyway. Journey to Mississippi to get fat-free, Vitamin A and C-filled sweet potatoes to stock up on their many health benefits. You’ll find them in a wealth of dishes cooked up by volunteers at this festival. Once you’re done racking up the carbs, you can spend your abundant energy on dancing to the outstanding live music or participating in the 5k run.
further information: Vardaman Sweet Potato Festival
New Braunfels Wurstfest 2018
Nov 2-11, 2018 | New Braunfels, TX
Wurstfest Grounds|120 Landa StGuten Tag y’all! Wurstfest in New Braunfels is a Texas-sized celebration of the best wursts in the state. Situated in a town with ever-present German roots, the ten-day smorgasbord boasts dozens of bratwurst, bierwurst and bockwurst sausages prepared by regional and national chefs. Potato pancakes, spaetzel and Bavarian delicacies are also featured in addition to endlessly flowing authentic German pilsners and lagers, carnival attractions, folkloric musical performances, beer stein holding competitions and lively polka dancing.
further information: Wurstfest 2018
Branson's Veterans Homecoming Week 2018
Nov 5-11, 2018 | Branson, MO

One of America's largest Veterans Day celebrations takes place in Branson, Missouri, where the town goes above and beyond to celebrate and honor those who served our country. Don't miss out on a jam-packed week of patriotic festivities like the Annual Branson Motorcycle Toy Run, Veteran Mess Hall Lunch, IMAX Military Film Festival, Veterans Grove Tree Dedication and much more.
further information: Branson Veterans Task Force Week of Celebration for our Veterans

C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) is a long-period comet discovered in 2014 by Australian astronomer Terry Lovejoy using a 0.2-meter (8 in) Schmidt–Cassegrain telescope. It was discovered at apparent magnitude 15 in the southern constellation of Puppis, and is the fifth comet discovered by Lovejoy. Its blue-green glow is the result of organic molecules and water released by the comet fluorescing under the harsh UV and optical light of the sun as it passes through space.
thanks, Leah
thanks, Rose
knit, Christmas

thanks, Emma

thanks, Mindy
Caron x Pantone Crochet Scarf
Snowflake Throw
thanks, Sally
thanks, Shelley
Pressure Cooker Chicken Korma


thanks, Ellie

thanks, Iris


abuse allege arrow barque cactus cheer condominium | cover crocus curse dies dismal drive expedition fees feet | grief guide hunch legend owner | parachute party passport quell refuge regard scale scowl seer | shield sire slump sorrow spin washing wide whisper |
SUDOKU ... easy


Remove Onion and Garlic Smell from Skin
Onions and garlic add a ton of flavor to dishes and are said to be two of the most used food items in our kitchens. While all of their amazing flavor and smell are great for recipes, they can leave a foul odor on your skin that sometimes may not be removed with normal hand washing. This easy trick will remove the smell with ease!

Step 1: Cut a lemon in half.

Step 2: Rub the inside of the lemon all over your hands.
Lemon juice is an amazing odor neutralizer, and the lemon will help to pull out the onion or garlic odor, leaving your hands smelling fresh and clean. Once you have rubbed the lemon all over your hands, wash and rinse your hands, and discard the lemon.

thanks, Patty

Jules Pascin
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