Not so long ago, the world felt like a smaller place, and everybody knew everybody else in their neighborhood. Now, many of us aren’t familiar with our neighbors, and only speak to them in passing. Why not use Good Neighbor Day as an opportunity to lend a proverbial cup of sugar, and get to know the people who live nearby?

STRANDBEESTS (Dutch for 'beach animals) by Theo Jensen. Made from thin PVC tubing, sails, and an untold number of zip ties, these structures are powered by the wind.
Word of the Day
| |||
Definition: | (noun) A right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right). | ||
Synonyms: | exclusive right, perquisite, privilege | ||
Usage: | The whole substance of human authority was centered in the simple doctrine of royal prerogative, the origin of which was always traced in theory to divine institution. |

Idiom of the Day
let down (one's) guard— To become less guarded or vigilant; to stop being cautious about potential trouble or danger. |

Norman Conquest of England Begins (1066)
In 1066, King Edward the Confessor of England died childless. His cousin William of Normandy claimed that he had been promised the throne years earlier, yet Harold, duke of Wessex, was crowned instead. William then assembled a force of 5,000 knights and invaded. He was crowned less than three months later, following a swift and brutal conquest that had a profound and lasting effect on English life.
Max Schmeling (1905)
Schmeling was a German boxer who, in his greatest upset, knocked out future world heavyweight champion Joe Louis—then an unbeaten 22-year-old contender—in 1936. When they met again in a hugely hyped 1938 match, Louis knocked out Schmeling in the first round. The rivals later became fast friends. When Louis died in 1981, Schmeling helped pay for the funeral. Though lauded as an Aryan idol in Germany, Schmeling was neither political nor racist.
Pluto's 'Skyscrapers': What's Responsible for Dwarf Planet's Giant Ice Blade
Pluto's surface hosts blades of ice that soar to the height of skyscrapers — and researchers have narrowed down exactly how the dramatic features form.READ MORE:
1542 - San Diego, CA, was discovered by Portuguese navigator Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo.
1789 - In the U.S., the first Federal Congress passed a resolution that asked President George Washington to recommend to the nation a day of thanksgiving. Several days later Washington issued a proclamation that named Thursday, November 26, 1789 as a "Day of Publick Thanksgivin." The fixed-date for Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday of November, was established on December 26, 1941.
Brigham Young
1850 - U.S. President Millard Fillmore named Brigham Young the first governor of the Utah territory. In 1857, U.S. President James Buchanan removed Young from the position.
1924 - The first around-the-world flight was completed by two U.S. Army planes when they landed in Seattle, WA. The trip took 175 days.
1955 - The World Series was televised in color for the first time. The game was between the New York Yankees and the Brooklyn Dodgers.
1958 - "To Know Him Is To Love Him" by the Teddy Bears was released. The song was written and composed by 18-year old Phil Spector.
1961 - "Dr. Kildare" premiered on NBC-TV.
1963 - "She Loves You" by the Beatles was played on the radio by Murray The K in New York. It is believed that this was the first time a Beatles song was played in the U.S.
1967 - The first mayor of Washington, DC, Walter Washington, took office.
1974 - First Lady Betty Ford underwent a mastectomy to remove a lump in her breast.
1989 - "Tales From Margaritaville" was published by Jimmy Buffett. It was a book of short stories.
1990 - The Game Boy handheld video game device was released in Europe.
1997 - The 103rd convention of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) was held in New York City, NY. The official debut of the DVD format was featured.
2004 - Nate Olive and Sarah Jones arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border to complete the first known continuous hike of the 1,800-mile trail down the U.S. Pacific Coast. They started the trek on June 8.

If You Were Born Today, September 28
You are a kind-hearted and generous person who will bend over backward to help out a friend or loved ones. You are exceptionally people-aware and a true humanitarian, but you do know where to draw the line. Goal-oriented and determined, you have all the ingredients for success. While you project an image of kindness, you are a strong person who is able to act according to your own beliefs and convictions. You are attracted to talented and successful people. Famous people born today: Confucius, Peter Finch, Ed Sullivan, Al Capp, Brigitte Bardot, Mira Sorvino, Naomi Watts.
1.Kraken Con 2017
Sep 29 - Oct 1, 2017 | Oakland, CA
Oakland Convention Center|550 10th StKraken Con is an annual two-day pop culture convention in Oakland, California, that features anime, cartoons and comics with a heavy emphasis on whimsy, imagination and the creative process. Kraken Con’s goal is to ensure attendees have an enjoyable experience via great panels, cool guests, fun events and awesome merchandise.
further information: Home
Richmond Zine Fest 2017
Sep 29-30, 2017 | Richmond, VA
Richmond Public Library|101 E Franklin St
First, let’s start by defining a “zine.” It’s derived from the word “magazine.” And it is a magazine. However, it’s of the made-by-hand, self-published variety. The Richmond Zine Fest in Richmond, Virginia, is a celebration of zines and the brave brains behind them. It attracts both local and national zine makers. It’s the chance to buy, sell and trade zines. In the DIY spirit of the zine, the event boasts different DIY items and workshops.
further information: (no title)
Lorine Niedecker Wisconsin Poetry Festival 2017
Sep 29-30, 2017 | Fort Atkinson, WI
Hoard Historical Museum|401 Whitewater AvePoetry is the most romantic language we have besides Snapchat stories. Here, there are dozens of activities revolving around poetry of any kind. With poetry cafes, open mics, round table discussions and fun word games to start, you’ll master the free-flowing written word without in no time. You’ll be slaying anyone who’s willing to listen from the first stanza.
further information: Lorine Niedecker Wisconsin Poetry Festival

A panoramic view of Toledo, as seen from the Parador Hotel in 2014. This central Spanish city is the capital of the province of the same name. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986 for its extensive cultural and monumental heritage. It has historically been influenced by the co-existence of Christians, Muslims and Jews. As of 2015, the city has a population of 83,226 and an area of 232.1 km2 (89.6 sq mi).
On the Li River near Xingping in China, Cormorant fishermen work the waterways before dawn amidst the spectacular limestone towers of the Karst landscape. The birds are trained to fetch fish from the inky depths but not swallow them. The fisherman accepts the fish from the birds who dive back for more. Here, still before dawn, the fisherman and his birds head for home.
thanks, Sally

thanks, Pam
Side Squiggles

Multiple of 5 + 3
Row 1 (RS): p3 *p2tog, yo, p3
Rows 2 and 4: knit
Row 3: p3 *yo, p2tog, p3
Repeat these four rows for the pattern.
Row 1 (RS): p3 *p2tog, yo, p3
Rows 2 and 4: knit
Row 3: p3 *yo, p2tog, p3
Repeat these four rows for the pattern.
thanks, Marilyn

thanks, Helen
thanks, Shelley

thanks, Tina

Slow Cooker Apple Crisp

thanks, Jeri

thanks, Bella

Gather some colourful felts and craft this super cute monster plushie! This could be a great gift for this Halloween. This Halloween Monster is perfect as a Halloween gift or as a Halloween decoration too.
1. Felt
2. Hotglue gun
3. Scissors
4. Pencil – to trace patterns
5. Stuffing
1. Felt
2. Hotglue gun
3. Scissors
4. Pencil – to trace patterns
5. Stuffing

Step-1: Remember to choose bright colors for this plushie. In this picture you can see the basic pattern of the plush I made. It includes- body, legs, hands, ears. You will need 2 pieces of patterns for each leg, hand and the body.

Step-2: For the face details I used black and white felts to create the eyes, nose, mouth and teeth. Use hotglue gun to attach the face details on their places, on the front pattern of the body.

Step-3: Glue the orange ear piece on the top of the green ear piece and then slightly fold a side to create the ear for the plush. Attach the ear on the back side of the front body piece.

Step-4: Use white felt to cut out 12 triangular nail patterns and attach 3 nails on 2 leg and 2 hand patterns as shown in the picture. Place the other piece of the hands and legs on the top of the nail glued pieces. Use hot glue gun to attach both pieces together. This means that the nails need to be glued in between the 2 pieces of each part (hands and legs).

Step-5: Glue the hands and legs with the body piece for the back side of the plush. Now take the front piece with face details and place it on the top of the back piece. Carefully attach the sides of the front and back body pieces but don’t forget to keep a small open end for stuffing.

Step-6: Insert wool or scrap fabric through the open end of the plush. After you’re done filling the plush use hotglue gun to close the open end and secure the stuffing.

Dragonfly Green Jigsaw Puzzle

adjust aisle amaze anniversary annoy boxer broken | cause cavern closet conscience craze cream daily deadly destruction distinct | eager error fair faze future grace heat | inferior limited many mare marry modify | rancid review scientific vows white |
Your Eyes are Playing Tricks on You, All of the Horizontal Blue Lines are Straight

When you blur the image the effect disappears because you can no longer resolve the tiny white-black interactions. It was first described under the name Kindergarten illusion in 1898, and re-discovered in 1973 by Richard Gregory.
Amazing Images Created By Shadows Turn Ordinary Objects Into Art
this cargo ship's shadow looks like a city skyline
Did you ever make shadow puppets as a kid? I feel like everyone did at least once. There is something oddly satisfying about using shadows, rather than light, to create an image.
Who knows why that is? Perhaps it is because it is the opposite of what we've been trained to see. Perhaps it is because it feels powerful to bend light to our will. Whatever the case may be, shadows are pretty cool.
the camera man's shadow looks like a Labrador

fence shadow looks like a piano

this lil cloud and its lil shadow

pigeon shadows

sharp shadows

this shadow correctly labels this dog

my plane's shadow on the cloud look like there's a halo around it

my friend's shadow looks like she's going through the photos on her camera

the dog's shadow makes almost a perfect arrow

the shadows of these windows make an optical illusion

my dog's shadow turned me into a centaur

a couple of days a year a mountain in my hometown casts a shadow that looks like a cougar

the shadow of my towel rack looks like you know who!
the shadow of this gate says ***
the room numbers of my hotel are shadows
these flowers at my parent's place cast a squirrel shadow
this shadow lines up so perfectly
the shadow of this coat hook at work
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